October Birthday & Birthstone List

Opal Birth Stone

October Birthday & Birthstone List
The October Birthday & Birthstone List is as follows:

October Birthstone: The Opal

October Birth Flower: The Calendula (aka Marigold)

October Sign of the Zodiac and Dates: Libra - September 24 - October 23

Characteristics of Libra : Charming, Perceptive, Diplomatic, Pleasant & Refined

October Birth Flower and Meaning: The October Birth Flower is the Calendula (aka Marigold). The meaning of the Calendula (aka Marigold) symbolizes is sorrow or sympathy.

October Sign of the Zodiac, Dates with Personality Traits and Characteristics: The October sign of the Zodiac is Libra and the dates of this sign are September 24 - October 23. The Personality Traits and Characteristics of people whose birth sign fall under the sign of Libra are Charming, Perceptive, Diplomatic, Pleasant & Refined.

October Birthday & Birthstone List


October Birthstone and Properties: The October birthstone is the Opal. The traditional properties closely associated with the Opal birthstone are hope, innocence and purity together with happiness, faithfulness, loyalty and confidence. One of the most popular jewelry birthday gifts for those born in October contain the Opal birthstone. There are many types of jewelry which contain Opal birthstones as detailed in the following list:

  • Rings
  • Brooches
  • Pins
  • Cufflinks
  • Bracelets
  • Pendants
  • Earrings
  • Necklaces

October Birthday & Birthstone List
This handy October Birthday & Birthstone List provides an at-a-glance guide about the appropriate dates and information about the October birthstone - the beautiful Opal. Use the October Birthday & Birthstone List as inspiration for selecting a special gift for member of the family or a close friend. The different types of jewelry are suitable for both men and women as the list shows - rings, brooches, pins, cufflinks, bracelets, pendants, earrings and necklaces. The October Birthday & Birthstone List also provides details of the October birth month flower, the Calendula (aka Marigold). Understanding the meaning, symbolism and significance of the October birthstones, the Opal, and the lovely Calendula (aka Marigold) birth flower adds a special birthday message to any birthday gift.

Birthdays List - Babies - Birth Stone List - Opal - Gemstone List - Birthday - Flowers - Zodiac Signs
Libra - Birthday List - Baby - Month - Gemstone - Chart - Birthdays List - Opal - Calendula (aka Marigold) - Facts
Information - List - Guide - Flowers - List - Flowers - Calendula (aka Marigold) - Birth - Stone - List - Birthdays - Babies

Birthstones & Jewelry Insurance
Your home insurance policy may not fully cover you for birthstone jewelry insurance, engagement ring insurance or wedding ring insurance. Your home insurance policy probably covers jewelry theft, but not loss that occurs for other reasons. A typical home insurance policy will only usually pay a maximum of $1,000 for jewelry theft. Obtain a Jewelry Insurance quote from the Chubb group of jewelry insurance.

October Birthday & Birthstone List

  • October Birthday & Birthstone List - guide to colors, meaning, symbolism and significance
  • Birthday gifts of flowers containing the Calendula (aka Marigold) birth flower
  • The Libra Zodiac sign and birthstone list
  • List of Birthday gifts containing the Opal birthstone in rings, brooches, pins, cufflinks, bracelets, pendants, earrings and necklaces
  • October Birthday & Birthstone List - guide to colors, meaning, symbolism and significance

October Birthday & Birthstone List


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