History of the Amethyst

Amethyst Birth Stone

History of the Amethyst
Discover some fascinating information about Amethyst.

  • Facts and Information about the amethyst
  • History of the Amethyst

History of the Amethyst

What are Amethysts?
What exactly are Amethysts? The word Amethyst is derived from the Greek word "amethystos" which means "remedy against drunkenness" which is reflected in the properties of this gem stone. The Amethyst is a semiprecious stone in varying shades of purple which belongs to the quartz family and owes its colour to oxide of manganese and iron which forms part of its composition. The best varieties of Amethysts come from Siberia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and the far East. The Amethyst was originally regarded as a very precious stone, until the immense quantities received from Brazil reduced its value generally.

Facts and Information about Amethyst

The History of Amethysts and the Roman God Bacchus
From the earliest dawn of history the occult properties of amethysts were seen as an antidote to drunkenness, by all writers,

History of the Amethyst


 the name originating from a Greek word meaning "without intoxication". According to the Greek Philosopher Aristotle it was also the name of a beautiful nymph who invoked the aid of the Goddess Diana to protect her from the attentions of the god Bacchus, which the goddess did by converting her into a precious gem, upon which Bacchus, in remembrance of his love, gave the stone its colour and the quality of preserving its wearers from the noxious influence of wine. Bacchus was the Roman god of wine and intoxication, known as Dionysus to the Greeks.

History of Amethysts
The Egyptians often used amathysts for Talismans, their soldiers wearing them as Amulets for success in their exploits and calmness in danger. The ancient Roman author Pliny says the Magi believed that if the symbols of the Sun and Moon were engraved upon the Amethyst it made a powerful charm against witchcraft, and gave its wearers success to their petitions, good luck and favour with those in authority.

History of Amethysts and the church
Amethysts have always been associated with ecclesiastical decorations, its frequent use in Episcopal rings giving rise to its description as "the Bishop's Stone," and rosaries consisting of Amethyst beads were much in request in ancient times to attract soothing influences in times of stress and to confer a pious calm on their wearers. In religious art it was regarded as an emblem of resignation to earthly sufferings, patience in sorrow, and trust unto death.

History of Amethysts - Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages the qualities attributed to amethysts were many. Medieval people believed it indicated the presence of poison by becoming dim, also personal danger and ill-health by changing colour; it was, moreover, considered to give vigilance to business men, and to sportsmen and soldiers calmness in danger.

History of Amethysts - Saint Valentine
The Amethyst is the stone of St. Valentine, who is said to have always worn it. During the Middle Ages in the days of romance and chivalry, if an amethyst was presented by a lady to her knight, or a bride to her husband in the shape of a heart set in silver, it was said to confer the greatest possible earthly happiness on the pair who would be blessed with good fortune for the remainder of their lives.

Birthstones & Jewelry Insurance
Your home insurance policy may not fully cover you for birthstone jewelry insurance, engagement ring insurance or wedding ring insurance. Your home insurance policy probably covers jewelry theft, but not loss that occurs for other reasons. A typical home insurance policy will only usually pay a maximum of $1,000 for jewelry theft. Obtain a Jewelry Insurance quote from the Chubb group of jewelry insurance.

History of the Amethyst

  • Facts and Information
  • History of the Amethyst
  • Use of Amethyst in jewelry - Rings, Brooches, Pins, Cufflinks, Bracelets, Pendants, Earrings and Necklaces
  • Information & Facts about the Amethyst
  • History of the amethyst
  • Symbolism and significance

History of the Amethyst


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