The Turquoise is more frequently used for Amulets than any other stone, as much for its mystic virtues as for its beauty, particularly in the East, where sentences from the Koran are engraved upon it and the characters gilded. History of Turquoise - South America The history of the turquoise dates back to antiquity. The ancient Aztecs, Toltecs and Olmecs revered the turquoise and death masks were often decorated with this gemstone. In the Mayan culture no one was allowed to wear or own turquoise it was reserved as an offering to the gods and for the decoration of their images and statues. History of Turquoise - North America - The Apache Turquoise has been part of the Native American tradition for many centuries and some of the world's finest and most beautiful turquiose jewellery is produced in Arizona and in New Mexico. Turquoise was paticularly held in very high esteem by the Apache people. Without possession of a turquoise, no Apache medicine-man could command the honor, respect and veneration his office demanded. Nor would the spear or arrow of the Apache hunter fly true to its prey. The History of Turquoise - The Middle Ages In the Middle Ages the Turquoise was believed to appease hatred, relieve and prevent headaches, and to change colour when its owner was in peril or ill-health. The change of colour must not be permanent, and the stone should recover its real hue when the illness or danger is passed. The Turquoise was believed to warn of poison by becoming moist and changing colour. In English history it is said that King John, by these indications, detected the poison that caused his death. The History of Turquoise - The Middle Ages The turquoise has always been regarded as a pledge of true affections and is also credited with the power of drawing upon itself the evil that threatens its wearer; but this quality belongs only to the Turquoise that has been given, and not purchased. The History of Turquoise - Protection for a Horse Rider It is for qualities such as these that it is prized by the Turks as a horseman's Talisman. The Turks believed that turquoise makes a horse sure-footed and protects its rider from injury by falls. Camillus Leonardus, a sixteenth-century Physician wrote: "So long as a rider hath the Turquoise with him his horse will never tire him and will preserve him from any accident, and defend him that carries it from untoward and evil casualties." |